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An Italian family saga set in the village of Carranetto, near Salerno, in the mountains surrounding Naples.
Everyday family life surrounded by the olive industry was a struggle in post WWII rural Italy. Beautiful Stella, a headstrong and ambitious oldest daughter of a large traditional family strives for an education, for choices, for freedom from the cloak of extortion, blackmail and abuses that the ruling don and his class have dragged over the working people. Stella uses her smarts and her talents to outwit the don once, but falls under a terrible trap with lifelong repercussions, and secrets that are life-changing for her family and the love of her life, Mario Uncino. This is an engrossing story of three generations coming to terms with an emerging and evolving Italy, and the village of Carranetto.
"This story drew me in tighter and tighter as I read on. I enjoyed the window into an unfamiliar time and place. I read Ignazio Silone’s “Bread and Wine” when I was a teenager, but other than that I knew very little about Italy near the time of the Second World War. Hallett’s depth of research was clear as she described the technological, economic and political changes sweeping the larger society, and also as she created a vivid, richly textured portrait of daily life in one small village with its public traditions, its unspoken assumptions and beliefs, and its secrets." - Joanna Hoyt

A great story about moving to the country!
The year Abby turned fifty was tumultuous to say the least. She and her husband Jim took on the rebuilding of a cottage on a lakefront with little expertise, hard work and a lot of sweat equity. Along the way Abby learns that life in the country is vastly different than in the city, just ask her best friend who is falling for their carpenter, the wacky spinster neighbours who entertain regularly in their sex haven cottage, and Abby’s father who descends on them to live his eccentric life as an octogenarian dater. Abby’s year twists and winds through the challenges of construction, love adventurers, and just when the house is becoming habitable, Abby’s daughter Lily asks her parents to host an impromptu wedding. Can the house be ready by then? Will the eclectic characters that make up Abby’s new neighbourhood wreak havoc during the festivities, and most important of all, can Abby and husband Jim hold it altogether as they navigate through their new lifestyle and hopefully enjoying some sex in the country.
The year Abby turned fifty was tumultuous to say the least. She and her husband Jim took on the rebuilding of a cottage on a lakefront with little expertise, hard work and a lot of sweat equity. Along the way Abby learns that life in the country is vastly different than in the city, just ask her best friend who is falling for their carpenter, the wacky spinster neighbours who entertain regularly in their sex haven cottage, and Abby’s father who descends on them to live his eccentric life as an octogenarian dater. Abby’s year twists and winds through the challenges of construction, love adventurers, and just when the house is becoming habitable, Abby’s daughter Lily asks her parents to host an impromptu wedding. Can the house be ready by then? Will the eclectic characters that make up Abby’s new neighbourhood wreak havoc during the festivities, and most important of all, can Abby and husband Jim hold it altogether as they navigate through their new lifestyle and hopefully enjoying some sex in the country.

So much can happen in the course of a single day!
Can the old adage “it takes a village to raise a child” be true of one street? On Daisy Avenue, a quiet street, an ordinary day turns to extraordinary, seen through the eyes of its youngest residents. The vivid characters of Daisy Avenue are intertwined and then brought together when shaken by a near tragedy. Each chapter unfolds through the perspective of a child, one of each age from infant to older teen. There’s the toddler who sees the world through numbers, the homeschooled child, the child celebrity, the foster child, the environmentalist, the overweight child, and varied others who give us insight into their worlds. But one vulnerable, troubled child has gone missing…
"I found this book quite charming! I was very taken with the captivating way it moved along, with each chapter from the perspective of a different age child, but not written in a child’s language. It found it very engrossing that it all happened on one day, but the reader wasn’t confused when moving from house to house on the same street. Clever!" Darlene
"This story was quite absorbing from beginning to end. I liked how each chapter focused on one child’s perspective, and when the eleven-year-old’s chapter was missing, I had to find out why. Well done! I really liked the three-year-old math genius, the ten year old environmentalist and the twins were hilarious. I was very satisfied by the ending….and choked up a little." Nida
Can the old adage “it takes a village to raise a child” be true of one street? On Daisy Avenue, a quiet street, an ordinary day turns to extraordinary, seen through the eyes of its youngest residents. The vivid characters of Daisy Avenue are intertwined and then brought together when shaken by a near tragedy. Each chapter unfolds through the perspective of a child, one of each age from infant to older teen. There’s the toddler who sees the world through numbers, the homeschooled child, the child celebrity, the foster child, the environmentalist, the overweight child, and varied others who give us insight into their worlds. But one vulnerable, troubled child has gone missing…
"I found this book quite charming! I was very taken with the captivating way it moved along, with each chapter from the perspective of a different age child, but not written in a child’s language. It found it very engrossing that it all happened on one day, but the reader wasn’t confused when moving from house to house on the same street. Clever!" Darlene
"This story was quite absorbing from beginning to end. I liked how each chapter focused on one child’s perspective, and when the eleven-year-old’s chapter was missing, I had to find out why. Well done! I really liked the three-year-old math genius, the ten year old environmentalist and the twins were hilarious. I was very satisfied by the ending….and choked up a little." Nida

Twins Harry and Terry, and their young cousin Daisy’s very first fantasy adventure in the round-the-world geography series for middle-grade readers – The Stickered Suitcase! Who’s stickered suitcase did they discover in the basement of their local library?
While investigating the compelling piece of luggage, the case sucks them away into a whirlwind and lands them in a strange new locale – the botanical orchid gardens in Singapore! How can they find their way home? Can they speak the language, see the sites and learn about the people of this far away country…maybe the clues are in the handy passport that guides their way, and gets them home?
"I loved reading this book to my kids, and they were so caught up in the adventure. Finally a series that helps kids understand the differences in our world. And I love to travel too so it was fun for me. Waiting on the next installment…" Karen
"The dialogue is authentic. Author Peggy Hallett has a knack for creating scenarios and conversations that are real and believable. My son really enjoys her chapter book about the kids who travel in a magical suitcase and can’t wait for the next volume in the series." Will.
While investigating the compelling piece of luggage, the case sucks them away into a whirlwind and lands them in a strange new locale – the botanical orchid gardens in Singapore! How can they find their way home? Can they speak the language, see the sites and learn about the people of this far away country…maybe the clues are in the handy passport that guides their way, and gets them home?
"I loved reading this book to my kids, and they were so caught up in the adventure. Finally a series that helps kids understand the differences in our world. And I love to travel too so it was fun for me. Waiting on the next installment…" Karen
"The dialogue is authentic. Author Peggy Hallett has a knack for creating scenarios and conversations that are real and believable. My son really enjoys her chapter book about the kids who travel in a magical suitcase and can’t wait for the next volume in the series." Will.

From an early age, not only did I discover I loved to cook, but when given freedom in the kitchen to experiment and explore, I loved to share my fun with food in many venues. Starting as a camp counselor, then as a teacher, parent, and homestay parent, I have had many adventurers in preparing dishes with a wide range of young foodies. What started out as blog, grew into an entire book, chock full of 23 easy family recipes. And best of all, I have launched two young men who are adept in their own kitchens!
"What a fun book! We all have our experiences in the kitchen, but author Peggy Hallett brings the stories to life. It’s always impressive how ordinary events can make for a good narrative. Well done!" Michael
"I am a teacher and only wish I could have had as much fun with my students as I read about in this book. And I loved the recipes!" Kristina.
"What a fun book! We all have our experiences in the kitchen, but author Peggy Hallett brings the stories to life. It’s always impressive how ordinary events can make for a good narrative. Well done!" Michael
"I am a teacher and only wish I could have had as much fun with my students as I read about in this book. And I loved the recipes!" Kristina.